Computer Technology (CT)

Computer Technology Exercise 1
Section A-1

  1. A company sells books online. It has no physical retail outlets. Its information systems which drive this activity can therefore be described as Mission Critical.
  2. One type of computer system often used in business is connected to real world signals and then processes these signals to drive an electro-mechanical device. This type of system is a Control System.
  3. Which of the following is a transaction processing system? Hotel Reservation System.
Section A-2
  1. Which THREE (3) of the following are inbound logistic activities in a business?
    • Inventory Control
    • Warehousing
    • Vehicle Scheduling
  2. Which THREE (3) of the following activities of a business create value for a customer and can be described as direct?
    • Assembly
    • Machining
    • Sales Force Operation
  3. Which THREE (3) of the following types of information system are typically used at the operations level in a business?
    • Knowledge Work and Automation Systems
    • Control Systems
    • Transaction Processing Systems
Section B
  1. State FOUR (4) features of a system.
    • It has input
    • It has process
    • It has output
    • It has an objective
    • It has components that working together
  2. Distinguish between data and information.
    • Data is encoded information
    • Information is the meaning that is assigned to data.
  3. Define the term information systems.
    • Information system is hardware, software, data, people and procedures that works together to produce quality information.
    • Information system is any system that makes use of IT.
    • Information system is a computer-based system that provides managers with the tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently running their departments.
  4. Explain what is meant by a mission critical information systems.
    • It is an information system that is crucial to the performance of the business/operation.
    • It make use of IT which is the central of the work of the business.